Is there a simpler way to get an enum type than (typeof enumType)["enumValues"][number]?

Pretty quick question (and maybe quick answer) - we have this pattern in a few places and it looks a bit verbose.
2 Replies
Noahh2y ago
Not sure if this is what you mean, but we have this pattern:
export const orderMethodEnum = pgEnum('order_method', ['PICKUP', 'DELIVERY']);

export const OrderMethod = strEnum(orderMethodEnum.enumValues);

export type OrderMethodValue = keyof typeof OrderMethod;
export const orderMethodEnum = pgEnum('order_method', ['PICKUP', 'DELIVERY']);

export const OrderMethod = strEnum(orderMethodEnum.enumValues);

export type OrderMethodValue = keyof typeof OrderMethod;
This allows us to do stuff like OrderMethod.PICKUP and use OrderMethodValue as a type when excepting one of the values Sorry, meant to include strEnum
export const strEnum = <T extends string>(o: T[]): { [K in T]: K } => {
return o.reduce((res, key) => {
res[key] = key;
return res;
}, Object.create(null));
export const strEnum = <T extends string>(o: T[]): { [K in T]: K } => {
return o.reduce((res, key) => {
res[key] = key;
return res;
}, Object.create(null));
DrPotat2y ago
Thanks a lot for sharing @Noahh - those snippets are super useful Another (indirect) way to get the enum values type is by inspecting the table's type:
// When MY_TABLE has a column called COLUMN
type MyEnumType = typeof MY_TABLE.$inferSelect.MY_ENUM_COLUMN
// When MY_TABLE has a column called COLUMN
type MyEnumType = typeof MY_TABLE.$inferSelect.MY_ENUM_COLUMN
For example:
export const orderMethodEnum = pgEnum("order_method", ["PICKUP", "DELIVERY"]);
const order = pgTable("order", {
method: orderMethodEnum("method").notNull(),
type OrderMethodValue = typeof order.$inferSelect.method;
export const orderMethodEnum = pgEnum("order_method", ["PICKUP", "DELIVERY"]);
const order = pgTable("order", {
method: orderMethodEnum("method").notNull(),
type OrderMethodValue = typeof order.$inferSelect.method;
I wish there was a way to get this type directly from the pgEnum though

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