Is it possible to have nested values when doing a leftJoin?

// returns nested results
export async function getLoans(spaceId: string) {
where: eq(loans.spaceId, spaceId),
with: {
property: true,
financialInstitution: true,

// doesn't return nested results
export async function getLoansLJ(spaceId: string) {
return db
eq(, loans.financialInstitutionId)
.where(eq(loans.spaceId, spaceId));
// returns nested results
export async function getLoans(spaceId: string) {
where: eq(loans.spaceId, spaceId),
with: {
property: true,
financialInstitution: true,

// doesn't return nested results
export async function getLoansLJ(spaceId: string) {
return db
eq(, loans.financialInstitutionId)
.where(eq(loans.spaceId, spaceId));
If not, what is your approach when you're not using the query builder? Should I map the results and enrich them based on the financialInstitutionId? Or is there something I missed?
17 Replies
binajmenOP•2y ago
Anyone? 😅
ArwanceR•2y ago
can you give an example of what 1st approach returns and what you're looking for ?
binajmenOP•2y ago
Sure The first example returns:
"loans": [
"id": "loan_3neymptddkbg9",
"name": "test",
"type": "fixed",
"financialInstitutionId": "belfius",
"amount": 1000,
"annualInterestRate": 1,
"periodInYears": 10,
"paymentPeriodicity": 1,
"monthlyPayment": 8.76,
"startDate": "2023-08-07T22:00:00.000Z",
"propertyId": null,
"spaceId": "rogline",
"createdAt": "2023-08-08T11:16:56.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-08-08T11:16:56.000Z",
"deletedAt": null,
"property": null,
"financialInstitution": {
"id": "belfius",
"name": "Belfius",
"bic": "BELFIUS",
"logoUrl": "...",
"country": "BE"
"loans": [
"id": "loan_3neymptddkbg9",
"name": "test",
"type": "fixed",
"financialInstitutionId": "belfius",
"amount": 1000,
"annualInterestRate": 1,
"periodInYears": 10,
"paymentPeriodicity": 1,
"monthlyPayment": 8.76,
"startDate": "2023-08-07T22:00:00.000Z",
"propertyId": null,
"spaceId": "rogline",
"createdAt": "2023-08-08T11:16:56.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-08-08T11:16:56.000Z",
"deletedAt": null,
"property": null,
"financialInstitution": {
"id": "belfius",
"name": "Belfius",
"bic": "BELFIUS",
"logoUrl": "...",
"country": "BE"
The second example returns:
"loans": [
"loans": {
"id": "loan_3neymptddkbg9",
"name": "test",
"type": "fixed",
"financialInstitutionId": "belfius",
"amount": 1000,
"annualInterestRate": 1,
"periodInYears": 10,
"paymentPeriodicity": 1,
"monthlyPayment": 8.76,
"startDate": "2023-08-07T22:00:00.000Z",
"propertyId": null,
"spaceId": "rogline",
"createdAt": "2023-08-08T11:16:56.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-08-08T11:16:56.000Z",
"deletedAt": null
"financial_institutions": {
"id": "belfius",
"name": "Belfius",
"bic": "BELFIUS",
"logoUrl": "...",
"country": "BE"
"loans": [
"loans": {
"id": "loan_3neymptddkbg9",
"name": "test",
"type": "fixed",
"financialInstitutionId": "belfius",
"amount": 1000,
"annualInterestRate": 1,
"periodInYears": 10,
"paymentPeriodicity": 1,
"monthlyPayment": 8.76,
"startDate": "2023-08-07T22:00:00.000Z",
"propertyId": null,
"spaceId": "rogline",
"createdAt": "2023-08-08T11:16:56.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-08-08T11:16:56.000Z",
"deletedAt": null
"financial_institutions": {
"id": "belfius",
"name": "Belfius",
"bic": "BELFIUS",
"logoUrl": "...",
"country": "BE"
In the first case, the financialInsitution is nested in the loan object, as expected. I understand a pure SQL join would produce the same "non-nested" results, although it would be nice to have the same format. If I miss something in the doc, I would be happy to read more about it. If not, I'm interested how people handle this.
ArwanceR•2y ago
I see, have you thought about using a subquery?
binajmenOP•2y ago
I did not How would you do that?
ArwanceR•2y ago
modifying second example:
export async function getLoansLJ(spaceId: string) {
return db
financial_institutions: sql`(SELECT id,name,bic,logoUrl,country from financialInstitutions where =
.where(eq(loans.spaceId, spaceId));
export async function getLoansLJ(spaceId: string) {
return db
financial_institutions: sql`(SELECT id,name,bic,logoUrl,country from financialInstitutions where =
.where(eq(loans.spaceId, spaceId));
this might need some modifications, such as selecting more fields in select({})
binajmenOP•2y ago
mmh it seems a bit hacky no? 😅 I could check how they implemented with, but I'm unsure I will be able to decipher everything 🙈
ArwanceR•2y ago
well, I there was another solution, I would too use it : ) this is one solution, you might find other
binajmenOP•2y ago
Yeah thank you for your input, I'll check the source and in parallel hope someone will jump in as well 😉
ArwanceR•2y ago
you can turn logging on and check the generated query with this 'working' example what sql it generates
binajmenOP•2y ago
Ho, I didn't think about it
ArwanceR•2y ago
know where to put it ?
binajmenOP•2y ago
I suppose in the main instance unless we can activate logging per request also?
ArwanceR•2y ago
I don't think you can turn on logging per request but, to turn it on for all queries:
export const db = drizzle(pool, {
logger: true
export const db = drizzle(pool, {
logger: true
but, that being said, I don't think sql will make you find other solution, since it's raw if there's no other API you will still have to use some workaround
binajmenOP•2y ago They normalize the relations at some point I will stop digging at the moment and use the query builder. I was asking the question as I expect at some point I'll have more complex queries. So in the end, it's either do like them or do like you I believe 🙂 thanks for the brainstorm, always help 🙂
ArwanceR•2y ago
happy to help
Ramazan•2y ago
You can do something like
export async function getLoansLJ(spaceId: string) {
return db
.select({ …getTableColumns(loans), financialInstitution: getTableColumns(financialInstitutions) })
eq(, loans.financialInstitutionId)
.where(eq(loans.spaceId, spaceId));
export async function getLoansLJ(spaceId: string) {
return db
.select({ …getTableColumns(loans), financialInstitution: getTableColumns(financialInstitutions) })
eq(, loans.financialInstitutionId)
.where(eq(loans.spaceId, spaceId));
You can find this in the docs towards the end of this section

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