Can I use Filament multiple select outside filament?
I'd like to use it in a livewire form, like a component
14 Replies
if is possible, how to do it?
okay i already published filament stuff
now im trying to use it, seems it works but idk what to pass it in
im not even sure that this can work 🤷♂️

did u actually read my question? why u link the getting started page?
You need to use the Form Builder, you can't use Filament fields outside of Filament forms
would be really cool to be able to use them outside filament. if i knew how, id try to implement it xd
thanks for the answer
You can use it outside of filament, but you have to use filamentforms as a whole. So if you are wanting the select as part of a form just use forms within the livewire component
Why don't you want to use the form component?
who told u i dont wanna use it?
i just cant in this case
can't/don't want to are similar in my eyes, but okay
If you mean the Admin Panel, then yes you can use it outside. But you need the Form Builder package. All of this is standard Livewire though, I don't see a reason why it wouldn't work for you.
okay, ill tell it to u in other words. i dont wanna spend 3 days re building a whole crud that is not made with filament to change it and make it the filament way. happy now?
not exactly, but ill try
I don't like your attitude
If you only want to use the select field it might be extra work that is not worth it. If you want to just use the select one your propably better off looking for a different package