Filamentβ€’12mo ago

Target class [filament] does not exist.

Hi my app just runs fine on local and when I deployed it to staging it gives that error, I'm using v2, and FilamentShield was the major update I did in this PR, any help on where I can start debugging it?
- Check the installed version - Try composer dump-autoload - Try removing vendor/ and reinstalling via composer...
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4 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’12mo ago
- Check the installed version - Try composer dump-autoload - Try removing vendor/ and reinstalling via composer
YoussefMagedβ€’12mo ago
What do you mean by check installed version?
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’12mo ago
Check what version of filament, shield, ... is really installed on that system via composer and see whether it matches want you want to install.
YoussefMagedβ€’12mo ago
Thank you @Dennis Koch removing /vendor reinstalling it then doing composer dump-autoload fixed it for me, thanks a dozen πŸ™