mutateFormDataUsing not working on CreateAction

Hi, I can't get mutateFormDataUsing to work and mutate my data in a header CreateAction. I saw somebody else had the same issue, but it didn't seem to have been resolved. I've also tried "using", but also not working well. Any tips?
5 Replies
Patrick Boivin
It could be a bug, I'm not sure... What are you trying to do? Maybe there's a workaround for your use-case.
KanalaetxebarriaOP2y ago
I'm trying to set the file path of a PDF file by calling a route:
->mutateFormDataUsing(function (array $data): array {
$data['file_path'] = fn () => route('download-pdf', ['id' => Filament::getTenant()->id]);

return $data;
->mutateFormDataUsing(function (array $data): array {
$data['file_path'] = fn () => route('download-pdf', ['id' => Filament::getTenant()->id]);

return $data;
Where my controller looks like this:
... $pdf = Pdf::loadView('pdfs.pdf', $data);

// Generate a unique filename for the PDF
$filename = 'monthly-report-' . uniqid() . '.pdf';

// Save the PDF to the storage disk
$pdfPath = 'pdfs/' . $filename;
Storage::disk('public')->put($pdfPath, $pdf->output());

return $pdfPath;
... $pdf = Pdf::loadView('pdfs.pdf', $data);

// Generate a unique filename for the PDF
$filename = 'monthly-report-' . uniqid() . '.pdf';

// Save the PDF to the storage disk
$pdfPath = 'pdfs/' . $filename;
Storage::disk('public')->put($pdfPath, $pdf->output());

return $pdfPath;
Patrick Boivin
route() is not calling the controller though... it's just returning a url. Did I miss anything?
KanalaetxebarriaOP2y ago
you're right, my bad. After using the Http facade, however, the mutateFormDataUsing method still doesn't get called and nothing changes
Patrick Boivin
Yeah, could be a bug, I'm not sure. As a workaround, do you think you could use a lifecycle hook, like afterSave()?

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