Undefined variable $activeTab

Im trying to make tabs in a blade component, but I get this error. Any idea why?
<x-filament::tabs label="Content tabs">
:active="$activeTab === 'tab1'"
wire:click="$set('activeTab', 'tab1')"
Tab 1

Tab 2

Tab 2
<x-filament::tabs label="Content tabs">
:active="$activeTab === 'tab1'"
wire:click="$set('activeTab', 'tab1')"
Tab 1

Tab 2

Tab 2
Ok, so do you have a public string $activeTab property on your Livewire component?
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16 Replies
Patrick Boivin
Looks like your $activeTab variable is undefined Not sure of the context but maybe $this->activeTab, in a Livewire component?
MatthewOP2y ago
This is taken straight from the docs.
MatthewOP2y ago
MatthewOP2y ago
Could something be wrong with the docs?
Patrick Boivin
Right, I think the docs is just focusing on what it would look like on the Blade side to keep things simple. It really depends on the context though. Are you in a Livewire component? Can you use the Alpine example instead?
<x-filament::tabs x-data={ activeTab: 'tab1' }>
alpine-active="activeTab === 'tab1'"
x-on:click="alpineActive = 'tab1'"
<x-filament::tabs x-data={ activeTab: 'tab1' }>
alpine-active="activeTab === 'tab1'"
x-on:click="alpineActive = 'tab1'"
MatthewOP2y ago
Yah, I am
Patrick Boivin
Ok, so do you have a public string $activeTab property on your Livewire component?
MatthewOP2y ago
I dont
Patrick Boivin
Add it, then use $this->activeTab instead in your Blade view
MatthewOP2y ago
That removes the error, but it only shows Tab 1:
:active="$activeTab === 'tab1'"
wire:click="$set('activeTab', 'tab1')"
Tab 1

:active="$activeTab === 'tab2'"
wire:click="$set('activeTab', 'tab2')"
Tab 2

:active="$activeTab === 'tab3'"
wire:click="$set('activeTab', 'tab3')"
Tab 3
:active="$activeTab === 'tab1'"
wire:click="$set('activeTab', 'tab1')"
Tab 1

:active="$activeTab === 'tab2'"
wire:click="$set('activeTab', 'tab2')"
Tab 2

:active="$activeTab === 'tab3'"
wire:click="$set('activeTab', 'tab3')"
Tab 3
MatthewOP2y ago
MatthewOP2y ago
(Its a custom Dashboard. Not the default that comes with FIlament)
Patrick Boivin
Not sure... what if you remove the :active="..." on all tabs. What do you get?
MatthewOP2y ago
Ah, I just cleared the views and its ok now! Also, how can I show different data on each tab? I cant find that info on the docs
Patrick Boivin
Yeah the docs are focused on the Tabs part, not the content. 1 sec You know which tab is active with $activeTab, so you can display some <div> under the tabs and show the one for the active tab.

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