Render Custom Menu in Navigation Using Dropdown Blade Component in V3 Admin Panel
Hi I am wondering if I can use the Dropdown Component to Render Menu Items in the Top Bar.
I want to take some of the sidebar menu items and move them to the top menu.
I know I probably have to registerRenderHook in the admin panel to display the menu item, but how can i use in some way the topnavigation stuff that is already in filament for the topNavigation param? (I hope that sort of makes sense - need more coffee!)
3 Replies
I think the nav groups become dropdowns by default with the top navigation. Do you need something different?
@pboivin Issue is i want to use both somehow and split my models navigation, so some on sidebar and some on top bar - it seems you cant use both on panels
Oh yeah, I think you're right, can't use both on panels. The
render hook is probably your best option. It could be a nice PR though, if you can think of an API to declare both side + top navs.