Load component into Action modal?

Hey! Can a component be passed to an action instead of a view?
6 Replies
awcodes2y ago
Pretty sure that’s a no. You can use a form in an action though without a view. But you can’t pass blade components
Patrick Boivin
What would this look like though, would you pass the class name of your Blade component? What about the props?
DivDaxOP2y ago
I wanted to load a Livewire component instead of a blade view in a modal that is opened through the action. Something like this: ViewAction::make()->modal()->component(LivewireComponent::class)
Patrick Boivin
Oooh a Livewire component. Yeah, I think you need to wrap it in a Blade view...
awcodes2y ago
The problem there would be that you can’t instantiate a LW component. It has to be rendered by blade. And if it tries to render too early it will just throw an exception.
DivDaxOP2y ago
Ok, I understand. But it feels wrong to use a blade file just to load an LW component. Couldn't we solve this more elegantly by using a kind of placeholder blade template specifically designed for such cases, so that we don't need an additional blade file for every LW component we want to open in a modal?

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