elastic search and filament

Anyone got any use cases of getting elastic search data and using it in filament. I know I can use sushi, but wondering if anyone has any use cases or examples as I’ve got access to elastic search to get some dashboard renders
2 Replies
Patrick Boivin
Is the elastic search data prepared in a way that's better than the data in the DB? I'm using meilisearch on my current project for search (duh 😂️) but driving dashboard/stats/etc. straight from the DB. I'm curious too though, maybe I'm missing out.
toekneeOP2y ago
I'm yet to delv into it.... It's actually for a Cyber Security project I am working on, they use the elastic agent to store all the systems logs, then pulls it back. So I am yet to review how it's structured, I might have to build my own indexes and mappings tables. But Just wondering how people have done it so far, as it's for a dashboard opposed to most people who use it for search

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