Option to set MarkdownEditor background color

Hi! We are using a MarkdownEditor() component to preview and edit a .svg string. This works great, except for white images. As the background color is also white the .svg cannot be seen. Is there a way to alter the background-color of the MarkdownEditor? I already tried something like this:
->extraAttributes(['style' => 'background-color: red'])
->toolbarButtons(['edit', 'preview']),
->extraAttributes(['style' => 'background-color: red'])
->toolbarButtons(['edit', 'preview']),
But that did not have the expected result...
Found a solution by overwriting the styling in filament.css: ``` .logo-markdown [x-html='preview'] { background-color: red !important;...
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2 Replies
TiBiBaOP2y ago
Update: The following seems to work on a TextInput but still not on a MarkdownEditor:
->extraAlpineAttributes(['style' => 'background-color: red'])
->extraAlpineAttributes(['style' => 'background-color: red'])
TiBiBa2y ago
Found a solution by overwriting the styling in filament.css:
.logo-markdown [x-html='preview'] {
background-color: red !important;
.logo-markdown [x-html='preview'] {
background-color: red !important;
And then adding the class as an extra attribute to the editor like this:
extraAttributes(['class' => 'logo-markdown'])
extraAttributes(['class' => 'logo-markdown'])

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