Missing styling after upgrading to v3

I upgraded to the new version, but i am missing all the styling.
Seems like i need to use @php artisan filament:upgrade to publish the CSS/JS files.
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5 Replies
*•2y ago
Did you run npm run dev? or build ?
BlackShadow•2y ago
Seems like i need to use @php artisan filament:upgrade to publish the CSS/JS files.
Brent Kelly
Brent Kelly•2y ago
I've also had styling issues but have resolved them so I'll share what I did on here in case it helps others. 1. I started on a ~3-4 week old version of the admin demo which have heavily modified. 2. Ran the automated upgrade. This was pretty good but missed a bunch of areas: - a number of method signatures I'd overridden were wrong - e.g. overridden getRelationManagers in resource pages. - once that was fixed, the styling wasn't working About 50% of the styling was missing - blue outlines on everything, no button styles etc. 1. I ran the artisan command suggested above here: php artisan filament:upgrade 2. Cleared view cache: php artisan view:clear 2. Tried to rebuild css with vite but npm run build was throwing errors:
Unable to resolve `@import "../../vendor/filament/filament/resources/css/app.css"` from /var/www/html/resources/css
Unable to resolve `@import "../../vendor/filament/filament/resources/css/app.css"` from /var/www/html/resources/css
From there the big help was just loading the demo source to compare vs my repo. I had to make the following changes: 1. My repo still had a resources/css/filament.css - delete this 2. My resources/css/app.css differed from the demo - namely it needed a: @import '../../vendor/filament/forms/dist/index.css'; at line 1. 3. My vite.config.js was wrong - attempting to load filament.css. I updated this and mirrored the refresh settings while I was at it from the demo. 4. Now I could run npm run build - ran successfully 5. 1 final error: my AppServiceProvider::boot method was registering filament.css still with Filament::registerViteTheme('resources/css/filament.css'); - I removed that Filament::serving section. Job done - loading fine & looks great đź‘Ś
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch•2y ago
It’s in the installation guide and in #✅┊rules for a reason.
HL•2y ago
This solved my issue as well, you are a god! Might be wise to put it in the docs!:)

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