How to run my django app and celery simultaneously?
I have django web app which I deploy in My app using celery + redis to run tasks. In my local machine I have two commands for run my app and celery separately in Makefile:
PORT ?= 8000
poetry run gunicorn -w 5 -b$(PORT) site_checker.wsgi:application
poetry run celery -A site_checker worker --loglevel=info
However, in the settings, I can only specify one start command. What is the best way to run both my app and Celery simultaneously? id: 6bdec234-7b62-42c0-9818-25372e1f4e09
However, in the settings, I can only specify one start command. What is the best way to run both my app and Celery simultaneously? id: 6bdec234-7b62-42c0-9818-25372e1f4e09
5 Replies
Project ID:
You need to split this into multiple services. Setup one for web, and one for the celery queue
how to do that?
can this method work with multiple workers? Suppose I have 4 celery workers, one way is to set 1 worker and concurrency=4.
Another way is to literally run the line 4 times with 4 different queue name.
For the 2nd case, does that mean I should run 4 separate service for each worker?
What would the overhead in memory cost be with this method?
one service with concurrency set to 4 will do just fine