$wire is not defined when using FileUpload in custom TALL app outside Panel
I have installed the Filament Form in my custom TALL stack. I followed the instructions in the documentation, but I encountered this error when trying to use the FileUpload field (other fields seem normal). I tested the FileUpload inside the panel and encountered no errors, but it showed an error when using it outside the panel and the filepond not showing.

Solution:Jump to solution
Can you try remove Alpine.start() and move window.Alpine = Alpine; at the bottom
edit: also remove alpine import....
13 Replies
Can you share the code please?
Sure, here is my livewire component code

In my livewire/create-item.blade.php

In my views/item/create.blade.php

In my app.js

In my base layout

please share the code using #✅┊rules
Can you try remove Alpine.start() and move window.Alpine = Alpine; at the bottom
edit: also remove alpine import.
It works!
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this is why i suggest that. Good luck happy coding ❤️
Thank you so much