Automatic upgrade from v2 to v3 problem
I followed this guide
But when I run php artisan filament:install I got the error in the picture. I'm Windows 10, running laragon, PHP 8.1.10
20 Replies
php artisan about
what is the Filament version?I have these
Check the upgrade section and try again
still no filament:install
Any errors before that?
no, running filament v2 from fresh installation with no problem.
fresh install? Why not v3 fresh install?
I installed it last 2 weeks ago sorry
maybe you can try the upgrading manually
I run the command
composer require filament/upgrade:"^3.0-stable" -W --dev
does not activate the filament
Run the command without --dev
filamwnt installed livewire version 3 also in local it is working in production getting error livewire.js 404
bad nginx config then
not a problem with filament
but filament is working only error livewire .js 404
so how it it a filament problem
Problem loading Livewire.js · Issue #242 · livewire/livewire
It's likely to be a simple thing but I can't manage to solve it on my own smh. On my local env it's working fine just doing this: ... @livewireAssets </body> This of course load t...
this solutions for livewire 2.2 filament 3 require livewire 3 only( in livewire 3 when call livewire publish assets return no publishable resource tag(
read the server config fix
publishing is not always the answer
if config is wrong then how everything is work fine include filament only livewire not working?(