every php artisan command throws error
This error popped up while upgrading from v2 to v3

35 Replies
You are very likely on Livewire v2 and Filament v3-alpha. Please check your composer.json.
sigh Idk whats going on. Ive started 3 different projects from scratch and I cant seem to install it properly
I cant install or upgrade livewire
You need minimum-stability dev and LW3
I cant upgrade with minimum stability dev
In short i need minimum stability dev for BOTH filament v3 and livewire v3?

I installed livewire v3 and now I get this when installing filament v3 (Fresh project)
Can you share your composer.json?
of course
It should be noted that I am trying to run this on a VM. I doubt this has anything to do with it but I just feel its good to state it
Yeah, good to know! Shouldn't be an issue.
Can you remove this line:
"livewire/livewire": "^3.0@beta"
and try composer require -W filament/filament:"^3.0"
again ?
If this is a test project, I think you can safely remove the composer.lock
and vendor/
and try again
** composer.lock
It is a test project. However, this is my 4th attempt and I still cant manage to run it
This is what I have after running your command:

I see you're still on
, we need to solve that firstand how can we do that?
Probably because of Livewire
Thats why I tried installing beta 3
Did you remove livewire/livewire from your composer.json?
I did
composer update -W filament/filament
and after?
php artisan about

Yeah that's weird... did you try deleting
and vendor/
?I will try it now
Still alpha
This could be your composer cache on the virtual machine, I'm not sure at this point...
Maybe its too much to ask, but do you mind joining a voice chat? Maybe it would be easier to solve that way
Can't do voice chat atm, but it's ok to ask 👍
oke, thanks foryour help
I cleared the cache btw and still same error
Do you have any way to try this outside of a virtual machine? Can you create a project and run
commands locally?I will try this on my native linux drive and let you know
Im trying to host my own web server and run filament from there. Thats why I use the VM
Makes perfect sense. I'm just curious to see if you can reproduce the issue outside of the VM.
I followed the same steps on my native linux and it works

I have no idea why the composer in the VM is tweaking
Yeah, very weird... my best guess is still with your composer package cache, on the VM. It's probably stuck with some stale packages and
composer update
is not busting the cache.@pxlrbt Maybe you have an idea? I tried clearing the cache but no luck
Not really sorry.
rm -rf ~/.composer/cache/*
En and maybe composer require filament/filament:3.0.0