storeFileNamesIn not able to use original file name as label?
Using storeFileNameLn in the file upload makes it possible to save the original file name without giving up the name generated by the filament, but is it not possible to use this name in the file visualization label?

4 Replies
Not yet, Dan was looking into it for V3 when I raised it last.
I see, I believe it is an interesting resource to have as a complement to the storeFileNameL method.
It's not very nice to present a hash as a filename in the view.
Yep but it was an issue with filepond and livewire not filament
I understand.
I tried a lot to work on a change in the vendor files, it seems to me that the component that displays the captions of the files is Fieldset.php, its view structure is identical to the one presented in the browser inspection, but the presence or absence of it , does not seem to have any effect, even deleting all its content, nothing changes, unlike the changes made to the input file present in the FileUpload.php component