Things break at high distance
things break after the 5th LOD at around 4000 blocks on the edge
34 Replies
Does this issue happen if you have a render distance of 1024 or lower?
it happend at 128 chunks

at the blue lod

If you fly over the broken terrain do the correct LODs show up then?
i fly over with freecam
this doesnt effect the lods
If you fly over them in spectator mode is what I meant.
What issue are you showing specifically in this thread?
I saw the world generator failing in your screenshot in #beta-testing:
But I’m not seeing any of that here.

.-. you can
That looks like a different issue.
Are you using any other mods?
The mod had a simular issue before

nothing that could cause that
It was an integer limit last time
Hmm. I’ve never seen that issue beyond what you’ve shared.
I’d have to run some larger world gen tests to try and reproduce it myself.
Yeah doing that takes a long time.
Is it normal that DH generates the highest quality lod everywhere? Is this now a thing?
Because it takes days to get to something like 2048
Yes, DH will always generate the highest quality LOD.
This is unlikely to change before release.
Any news?
I think this is talking about the same issue.
oh true
But it will change, right?
TBD. Haven’t looked into the problem much yet.
Is the issue fixed?
The anoying guy again
Any news?
Try RC 3, there were a few changes there that may help with your problem.
Although you may need to delete your LOD render cache (this can be done by changing your vertical quality or the quality preset).
It's still broken
I just pushed a potential fix for this.
Please download the latest from #links when you can.
Note: you will have to delete your old LOD data, otherwise you won't see any changes. (To prevent having to re-generate everything you only have to delete
files that don't start with [6*
)It works now