Filament Spatie Translatable Issue

Hi all, I'm facing this issue whenever I try to use spatie translatable package with filament during the creation process when I try to switch the language I got this message Unable to set component data. Public property [$activeLocale] not found on component: [app.filament.resources.service-resource.pages.create-service] So can anyone help?
4 Replies
Patrick Boivin
Is this Filament v2 or v3?
Gaspar2y ago
I have the same issue too. Filament v2 (and with Simple Resources).
Patrick Boivin
Is this a new error? (e.g. happening after an update). Have you tried php artisan view:clear?
Gaspar2y ago
Actually i did (minor) updates and cleared views. Do not know is it new error or not (just wanted to use spatie/translatable package with filementphp plugin). I guess it has something to do with Livewire v2. I upgraded to Filament v3 and Livewire v3 and this error dissapeared.

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