Pricing for a randomly used platform

Hi, Apologies if the same kind of question has been asked already. I have tried Railway in the past few months and am quite convinced that I will use that service, as in move from Heroku to Railway, in the future. I received the emails concerning the new pricing plans but still have one concern. On Heroku, I have two distinct deployments, one for prod and another one for QA. The prod is obviously always up, while the QA is only up when necessary. When I do not use the QA platform, Heroku lets me turn off the dynos I don't need, and delete the Postgres add-on; and this allows me to pay 0$. I usually turn everything on when I have a couple of days of tests on the QA platform every month, which leads to a very small amount to pay (a couple of dollars per month). Sometimes I do not use the QA platform for a month of two, which costs me 0$. It looks like the new pricing plan from Railway does not allow that, i.e. we have to pay at least the monthly plan ($5 for Hobby). Is this correct or is there a way to pay 0$ when the platform is not in use at all ?
5 Replies
Percy13mo ago
Project ID: N/A
suzumejakku13mo ago
MantisInABox13mo ago
It would be the $5 per month plus any usage. You can remove a deployment from your service to stop it from running. Otherwise it runs 24/7. But instead of paying per dyno, you are paying for the whole account. So, you can run multiple projects inside your account for the $5/month + resources over that $5
Brody13mo ago
tl;dr the only way to pay 0$ a month is to cancel, same thing applies to a spotify or netflix subscription
suzumejakku13mo ago
All clear, thank you !