Is it possible to customize since()?

I am tryinig to calculate the remaing days of user's subscription, but I get one day less, maybe because the mySql table of expired_date is set to 'yyyy-mm-dd', and the carbon is based on dateTime! So, is it possible, without change my date at mysql, to recalculate the since() by adding one day? what I have already:
->placeholder('Δοκιμαστική περίοδος')
->tooltip(function ($record){
//return $record->credits->expiration_date as human readable, in greek language. don't include time, only date
return Carbon::parse($record->credits->expiration_date)->isoFormat('LL');

->label('Ημερομηνία Λήξης'),
->placeholder('Δοκιμαστική περίοδος')
->tooltip(function ($record){
//return $record->credits->expiration_date as human readable, in greek language. don't include time, only date
return Carbon::parse($record->credits->expiration_date)->isoFormat('LL');

->label('Ημερομηνία Λήξης'),
1 Reply
->getStateUsing(fn ($record) => $record->credits->expiration_date->addDay()->diffForHumans())
->getStateUsing(fn ($record) => $record->credits->expiration_date->addDay()->diffForHumans())

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