MySQL is Unstable
I'm using MySQL on Railway, but it's not stable. The same SQL sometimes gives an error and sometimes doesn't; its behavior is suspicious. When I restart the DB, the queries respond consistently, but there's no response when I try to execute a query from Python.
I'm also getting the following errors in MySQL. It seems to be a configuration issue:
2023-07-30T08:00:38.853440Z 0 [Warning] [MY-011068] [Server] The syntax '--skip-host-cache' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use SET GLOBAL host_cache_size=0 instead.
2023-07-30T08:00:38.855623Z 0 [System] [MY-010116] [Server] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 8.0.33) starting as process 1
2023-07-30T08:00:38.863104Z 1 [System] [MY-013576] [InnoDB] InnoDB initialization has started.
2023-07-30T08:00:39.051646Z 1 [System] [MY-013577] [InnoDB] InnoDB initialization has ended.
2023-07-30T08:00:39.352836Z 0 [Warning] [MY-010068] [Server] CA certificate ca.pem is self signed.
2023-07-30T08:00:39.352876Z 0 [System] [MY-013602] [Server] Channel mysql_main configured to support TLS. Encrypted connections are now supported for this channel.
2023-07-30T08:00:39.355394Z 0 [Warning] [MY-011810] [Server] Insecure configuration for --pid-file: Location '/var/run/mysqld' in the path is accessible to all OS users. Consider choosing a different directory.
2023-07-30T08:00:39.410495Z 0 [System] [MY-010931] [Server] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections. Version: '8.0.33' socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' port: 3306 MySQL Community Server - GPL.
2023-07-30T08:00:39.410472Z 0 [System] [MY-011323] [Server] X Plugin ready for connections. Bind-address: '::' port: 33060, socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqlx.sock
What's the most stable database on Railway that also has good compatibility with Python? I personally want to use MySQL, but it's unstable. If there's a way to make it stable, please tell me.
Thank you in advance.
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I highly recommend postgres instead
it's still SQL and there are plenty of good python packages for postgres
Thank you for answering. I will try using postgres.