routing shows raw file
I can navigate /app from within the app which will give me the file rendered from /pages/app/index.vue
BUT if I load load the page first time (/app) it gives me the the raw file content of the app.vue
I can also navigate to pages/app/index.vue or utils/index which would behave the same.
what am I doing wrong?
6 Replies
if this is intentional, what is the solution when I have both an app.vue and and /app route?
Does this happen with the latest nuxt version? Sounds like a regression
it does happen in the latest
huh, I went back to verions 3.3.3 and it works there but not in 3.4.3
I'll pinpoint the specific version soon maybe even find the commit
very interesting
this doesn't happen unless nuxt devtools are enabled
it's the viteInspect option in devtools
@Anthony Fu This might be of concern to you? I think this viteInspect is a neat feature but is the above a desired behaviour?
@nandi95 can you open an issue in the devtools repo then?
sure thing
found an existing one already
pages shows source code · Issue #324 · nuxt/devtools🐛 The bug When having a page defined in /pages/app.vue or /pages/app/index.vue when directly navigating to http://localhost:3000/app shows source code instead of page. This appears to only happen w...