Railway12mo ago

TLS certificate not being generated on a domain added 24h ago

Like the title says, it's been more than 24h and the TLS certificate is still not generated. This is causing issues with my frontend. Any ideas on what's going on? Would be nice if someone from railway could check it.
13 Replies
Percy12mo ago
Project ID: 109fbd0d-2c8c-4867-8a23-dada8d60b15f
kreepton12mo ago
Fragly12mo ago
Are you using cloudflare proxying?
Brody12mo ago
I second fragly's question
kreepton12mo ago
Nothing, this is just a nornal CNAME record on godaddy. I had one in another project which worked fine, but this one for some reason is not issuing I tried adding another url from a different domain I have that have the vercel nameservers, and even tho I previously added one into this project, now I tried adding another one and has the exact same issue
Brody12mo ago
godaddy does not support root level cnames, is this domain a subdomain?
kreepton12mo ago
Subdomain backoffice.domain.com But it worked before Not this exact url, but another subdomain from godaddy
Brody12mo ago
okay then this lines up with other reports, if this is still happening come monday i will flag the team if there are any updates let us know
kreepton12mo ago
Thank you so much Brody, I really appreciate that! I'll let you know if it issues the certificate in the meanwhile
Percy12mo ago
Flagging this thread. A team member will be with you shortly.
Faraz12mo ago
Hey, are you still seeing this? We had an issue with the service that issues certificates. If you remove and re-add the domain, it should just work.
kreepton12mo ago
Hey fp, sorry, only saw your message now. Thank you so much, I don't have my laptop with me right now but I'll do that as soon as I get home. Once again thank you, I really appreciate it! It's working, it generated the certificate upon deleting and adding the domain. Thanks once again fp! And Brody!
Faraz12mo ago
Awesome. Closing as resolved.