Are relational queries supported on mysql?

I'm new to this ORM and I'm having trouble getting relational queries to work. Normal works fine, but when I try db.query.exTable.findMany() I get a warning on VSCode: Property 'exTable' does not exist on type 'DrizzleTypeError<"Seems like the schema generic is missing - did you forget to add it to your DB type?">'.ts(2339)
19 Replies
xamarot2y ago
For relational queries to work, you need to supply your client with your schema like this
import * as schema from './schema';
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/...';

const db = drizzle(client, { schema });
import * as schema from './schema';
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/...';

const db = drizzle(client, { schema });
SebastiánOP2y ago
Thanks, now findFirst and findMany are working, but for some reason when I include a with: { exRelation: true} , I get "You have an error in your SQL syntax;"
xamarot2y ago
how does the full query look?
SebastiánOP2y ago
tables are costume and gender, relation one to one for simplicity and testing const costumeId = 1 const result = await db.query.costume.findMany({ with: { myGender: true }, where: eq(, costumeId) })
xamarot2y ago
and "myGender" is a column on costume table? i am not entirely sure but i think "with" is only used for related data such as a post having comments, or such things
SebastiánOP2y ago
nope, just what I called the field inside the relationship, but also tested is by giving the name "gender", same error ok thanks, I'll try making it work on a fresh project tomorrrow following examples on docs step by step
xamarot2y ago
from docs
const posts = await db.query.posts.findMany({
with: {
comments: true,
const posts = await db.query.posts.findMany({
with: {
comments: true,
how does your schema structure look? what is it you want to retrieve? because it looks to me like "myGender" is basically another variable? if thats the case you could do
const result = await db.query.costume.findMany({
where: and(eq(, costumeId), eq(costume.gender, myGender))
const result = await db.query.costume.findMany({
where: and(eq(, costumeId), eq(costume.gender, myGender))
SebastiánOP2y ago
it's actually pretty simple, surprised it's not working export const costume = mysqlTable("costume", { id: int("id").primaryKey().autoincrement(), imageSrc: varchar("image_src", {length: 255}), leased: boolean("leased").default(false), name: varchar("name", {length: 255}).notNull(), sizeId: int("size_id").references(() =>, genderId: int("gender_id").references(() =>, seriesId: int("series_id").references(() =>, studioId: int("studio_id").references(() => }) export const costumeRelations = relations(costume, ({one}) => ({ gender: one(gender, { fields: [costume.genderId], references: [] }) })) export const gender = mysqlTable("gender", { id: int("id").primaryKey().autoincrement(), name: varchar("name", {length: 255}).notNull() }) and then on the API async function getCostume(query: any) { const costumeId = const result = await db.query.costume.findMany({ with: { gender: true } , where: eq(, costumeId) }) return result } renamed "myGender" to just "gender"
xamarot2y ago
hm i don't think you want to use "with" here. Since "gender" can not be null, "with" does not make sense since it will always be true, and I'm not sure but I don't think it works for "one"-relations. what data is it you want to retrieve? all costumes for your gender?
SebastiánOP2y ago
I just want the JSON response to not just retrieve, gender_id: 3, but gender : { } as a nested object but I'll make it work tomorrow, thanks for your time maybe I'm doing something dumb cause it's too late
xamarot2y ago
aight, just ask if theres anything else. good luck!
SebastiánOP2y ago
Hey I'm back, just added 2 simple tables: Country and City, country has many cities. I thought I'd also mention the environment I'm working on: OS: Windows 10 Framework: Nuxt3 Database: phpMyAdmin 5.2.0 on local via Xampp 8.1.12 Mariadb Schema export const country = mysqlTable("country", { id: int("id").primaryKey().autoincrement(), name: varchar("name", { length: 255 }).notNull(), code: varchar("code", { length: 255 }).notNull() }) export const countryRelations = relations(country, ({many}) => ({ city: many(city) })) export const city = mysqlTable("city", { id: int("id").primaryKey().autoincrement(), name: varchar("name", { length: 255 }).notNull(), countryId: int("country_id").references(() => }) export const cityRelations = relations(city, ({one}) => ({ country: one(country, { fields: [city.countryId], references: [] }) })) export type Country = InferModel<typeof country> export type City = InferModel<typeof city> API country.get.ts import { eq } from "drizzle-orm" import { country } from "../schema/schema" export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => { const result = await{ with: { city: true }, where: eq(, 3) // Country is Albania, with 74 cities on the Database }) return result }) Same error from last time: // http://localhost:3000/api/country { "url": "/api/country", "statusCode": 500, "statusMessage": "", "message": "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'json) from (select,, country.code, if(cou...' at line 1", "stack": "<pre><span class=\"stack internal\">at PromiseConnection.query (C:\\Users\\username\\Documents\\GitHub\\projectname\\node_modules\\.pnpm\\[email protected]\\node_modules\\mysql2\\promise.js:94:22)</span>\n<span class=\"stack internal\">at MySql2PreparedQuery.execute (/C:/Users/username/Documents/GitHub/projectname/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/drizzle-orm/mysql2/index.mjs:51:37)</span>\n<span class=\"stack internal\">at QueryPromise.execute (/C:/Users/username/Documents/GitHub/projectname/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/drizzle-orm/session-9628aea0.mjs:1329:31)</span>\n<span class=\"stack internal\">at QueryPromise.then (/C:/Users/username/Documents/GitHub/projectname/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/drizzle-orm/alias-3e926a50.mjs:636:21)</span>\n<span class=\"stack internal\">at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)</span></pre>" } Works without "with": export default defineEventHandler(async (e) => { const result = await{ with: { }, where: eq(, 3) // Albania populated with 74 cities }) return result }) // http://localhost:3000/api/country { "id": 3, "name": "Albania", "code": "AL" } Also notices drizzle-kit push:mysql failed if I used serialas the type for id on any table So my guess is the database running on xampp is not compatible with some functinality? got the logger running and theese are the queries generated: using "with" "city" doesn't work select id, name, code, cast(city as json) from (select,, country.code, if(count(country_city.country_id) = 0, '[]', json_arrayagg(json_array(,, country_city.country_id))) as city from country left join city country_city on = country_city.country_id group by country where = ? -- params: [3] not using "with" works select id, name, code from country where = ? -- params: [3] this works{ country, city }).from(country) .leftJoin(city, eq(city.countryId, .where(eq(, 3)) and generates select,, country.code,,, city.country_id from country left join city on city.country_id = where = ? -- params: [3]
iukea2y ago
No joke what is above looks like a spaghetti dish on my phone Interesting
SebastiánOP2y ago
I'll test the same code on Planetscale later, if it works it means xampp is partially not supported by default well, planetscale works flawlessly, I guess you shouldn't use xampp/phpMyAdmin for local development
Asseater Peter
Hi Sebastian, I've actually dealt with this exact thing not too long ago, feel free to DM me if you need any more help
SebastiánOP2y ago
Hi, I'm just gonna work directly on planetscale for the time being. But I'm curious about what mysql tool should I use on Windows for local development
Asseater Peter
I personally just have a dev branch on PlanetScale so I'm not sure ngl However, I did solve most of the relational querying problems using the query syntax, you might wanna give that a look (I didn't read like 90% of this thread, maybe you talked about that already idk)
SebastiánOP2y ago
TLDR: Xampp/phpmyAdmin didn't recognize some SQL generated code (Serial column declaration, some JSON inside select). But I already tested all code on PlanetScale and everything works. I guess I'll do the same and develop on a dev branch as well
Asseater Peter
Yeah that'd be my suggestion. I also have a MySQL server running on my NAS that works fine with this, so it could just be an issue with phpmyAdmin btw, don't forget to mark the thread as done for my OCD's sake

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