Need Help Setting up
I bough a discord bot over fivver and the seller suggested me to use railway and i bought the hobby plan. I dont know how to set it up, i have uploaded all the files to a github repo but i dont know how to set it up please help
26 Replies
Project ID:
From within your railway dashboard, you will need to link your GitHub account so that you can deploy your bot code
Once your GitHub is linked to your account, you can create a new project from the GitHub repository
I did
but there is a deplyment error
Can you send the deploy logs?
yes sure
No deployment logs. All output sent to stdout will be displayed here
Are you able to share a link to your GitHub repo?
its a private repo
i changed the start command and now i have a deploy log full of errors
Is there a requirements.txt file at the root of your project directory?
At the top of the logs is there a box that displays the build info?
Okay. Does the project have a Dockerfile in it anywhere?
idk i had it ordered on fiverr
I’m that panel on the right where all the red text is. Click the up arrow until you get to the top of the logs. So I can see that
this is a new error
this is what was in the red area now
With not being able to see your code I would recommend reaching out to the person that developed it for you, and ask them for directions on setting it up. There is something not working
It would be best if you could add one of us to your repo. Pinky promise we won't steal the code
We code our own discord bots
I told the developer of the bot to set it up for me
Yeah, we are all developers here. So, we all tend to build our own stuff