Creating a Custom Page that fetch data from another resource

I wanted to make a Sales Page that displays a simple sales tracker like Latest Sales, Total Sales, Total All Product Sales and more . I Planned it will be something like this: 1. The data will be fetch from the TradingProfiles as inside the TradingProfile model there are a column of Customer Details , Product and Price 2. The Product in TradingProfiles just keep integer value where it refers to Product Model for the value description like 0 = product0
3. I would like it to display the table for each sales in each product , i dont think we will have any edit action for each row probably just view button to view more details of the product etc etc 4. I will also add some widgets to track up certain general value such as Total All Product Sales etc etc How should i achieve this ? I've been looking into using the CustomPage but i'm not sure what does the --resource will be is it TradingProfile?
php artisan make:filament-page SortUsers --resource=UserResource --type=custom
php artisan make:filament-page SortUsers --resource=UserResource --type=custom
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alcmzOP2y ago
@Leandro Ferreira Thanks got it worked ! It seems like i viewed the wrong custom page link on the Filament Documentation

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