Can i use in a form a list checkboxex to show or hide other list of checkboxes
In the user model, I have a list of checkboxes that display roles, and another list of checkboxes that show values from a model called 'instruments'. What I'm trying to do is to have the list of instruments displayed when a certain role is selected, and not displayed otherwise. Some of this works, but when I save it, the values disappear even though they are present in the database. If I refresh the page, they appear as I show you in the following video.
Code example
4 Replies
At first glance I think the checkbox list shouldn’t have the same same as your relationship.
@gonzalo2683 Can you share a bit more details on the relationships? How are things setup on the models?
Sure @pboivin
User model, the roles come from the Spatie permissions package.
As @awcodes suggested, I've changed the field names to prevent conflicts with the relationships and it seems to work better now. The last issue I noticed is that when I uncheck the "musico" role and set the instruments to null, it still retains the instruments upon saving. For some reason, the field value is not cleared when using
I've tried commenting out the ->when()
part and indeed the values are correctly unchecked. It seems that something happens when using it in conjunction with ->when()
On my phone but you might be creating a race condition. Instead of a get in the all_instruments. I think you should just be setting it from the roles. The relationships should cascade down, at least in my head.