Introspect failing no pg_hba.conf entry for host

I'm trying to introspect an existing postgres db. It's hosted on heroku and I'm facing no pg_hba.conf entry for host error. I am able to connect with TablePlus to the same db without issues. As I'm attempting to also use ?ssl={"rejectUnauthorized":false} to work around this I'm getting Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'key' in {"rejectUnauthorized":false}. Any hints on how I might get this one connected?
7 Replies
polkovnikOP•2y ago
Got it working by using ?sslmode=no-verify
Laurens Lavaert
Laurens Lavaert•2y ago
Thanks! Had the same issue 🙂
Peter Boling
Peter Boling•12mo ago
Struggling with the same thing, but adding ?sslmode=no-verify hasn't worked yet
Peter Boling
Peter Boling•12mo ago
I had to set sslmode=require, or ssl: true, everywhere possible, and then it suddenly started working! It appears this is now required by Heroku always.
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neural•3mo ago
Packages: - pg: ^8.13.1 - drizzle: ^0.36.4 Database: PostgreSQL Here was almost different, inserting it directly in the URL link doesn't work in any way: false, no-verify, require, true... The solution was set directly in drizzle.config.ts where you should add most of credentials at dbCredentials to work as expected: - url - host - user - password - database - ssl: "require" // don't tried other ssl configs I've come from github issues so I'll post there too! * I've come from Discussions instead of Issues
neural•3mo ago
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