missing assets/app.js

hi all, i am getting a new issue all of a sudden.. ... [error] 60#60: *13 open() "/var/www/app/public/filament/assets/app.js" failed (2: No such file or directory), ... The second image is what it looks like (no suprise) i am very lost here, i've gone through my git history and can't seem to find what change couldve caused this. this is where (it appears) the files are (third image) and the public directory where it seems to be reading from looks like the fourth image. any idea what could be going on here? I've tried moving app.js to this public/filament/assets/app.js folder. also, i have tried to upgrade to v3 recently but reverted my changes, so i am pretty lost at what could be going on here. I'm using docker, btw
8 Replies
dineroOP2y ago
third image (what it looks like when missing this file), whoops:
dineroOP2y ago
im not sure why its not reading the app.js from the resources folder... what am i missing?
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2y ago
Please search this Discord. This is a common issue usually with a bad server setup
dineroOP2y ago
ok, will do 👍 apologies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2y ago
Or did this work before? Usually it's a 404 because the files aren't delivered through Laravel.
dineroOP2y ago
yes it worked prior i looked through my git history to find what couldve happened but no luck
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2y ago
Did you change your APP_URL? Might also be a mismatch between the Domain you are calling and the APP_URL.
dineroOP2y ago
yea that might be it, will test and report back. i did some env var changes when i attempted to swap to v3 which obviously wouldnt show up as .env is not committed... looks like it was a cacheing issue used a different browser after cloning into a fresh directory 🤷

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