Developer Plan - Is there a no-subscription plan?

Hello, I used to have purchased some credits and then was using Railway always below $5, and thus in principle I only had to pay once and could use it for my low consuming apps. Now, it seems that I had to upgrade my plan, so I bought another $10 credits to keep my apps running. However, I was wondering if I would have to keep paying monthly just to run my <$3 total apps...? I'm not sure if I could/should continue if I would have to pay monthly for those apps... Thanks in advance!
15 Replies
Percy12mo ago
Project ID: N/A
MantisInABox12mo ago
The Hobby plan is a $5 fee each month. Even if your apps are under that amount in usage. The $5 subscription will give you $5 worth of resources each month, then a charge (out of credits also) for any resource usage over that $5
Urgh, makes me hesitant to continue using it then... Backthen, the developer plan was either by "just" linking a credit card or by purchasing some credits. I felt like it would be lame to just link a credit card, thus not paying at all if it's below the threshold, so I just bought some credits to use it. Now it feels like being forced to pay even on a very low consumption. I do understand that the service needs to make some money, too, but wouldn't it be somewhat fair to also distinguish very low consuming apps for those "who already paid"? I think the previous "just linking a credit card" is what made people "abuse" the system, which is why I bought credits even if I in principle didn't have to backthen.
Adam12mo ago
Unfortunately people were abusing the free 5$. Creating a subscription model is the most efficient way to combat that If that doesn’t work for you, there are a few other platforms that provide a similar service
prop12mo ago
Just canceled as well but understandable it was too op
Charlotte12mo ago
that's over combatting tho. previously people paid nothing for what they were using now people have to pay for what they're not using if the free $5 was being abused just remove it I would hapily pay the $0.31/mo that I'm using, seems like a scam to make me pay $5 when I'm not using 95% of that
Charlotte12mo ago
there's literally no good option for me now
MantisInABox12mo ago
The reasoning behind the pricing changes the way they have been changed were explained best by the railway team here
Charlotte12mo ago
basically just states that they cant be bothered to have people like me as a customer, even if we just wanted to pay for what we use?
MantisInABox12mo ago
It states that the changes were made to eliminate the people that were abusing and taking advantage of the platform. If you only watched 1 movie per month on Netflix, would you still pay for the subscription? Probably, because you know it would be there for you if you decided to watch a 2nd movie. And I'm willing to bet 1 movie on Netflix is not worth their $20 pricetag. But people still pay it because it's a service they want to use.
Charlotte12mo ago
railway claims to be usage based pricing netflix doesn't
MantisInABox12mo ago
It is usage based pricing. $5 per month, gets you $5 worth of resource usage.
Charlotte12mo ago
but the minimum is $5 which i'm assuming lots of people wouldn't even come close to so for a significant amount of people its in no way usage based
MantisInABox12mo ago
If you are only running 1 project and it doesn't use $5 worth of resources, then yeah, you are not going to see it as beneficial. But a company cannot survive and provide the services that they are on $0.33/month. Nowhere else on the internet can you get what is provided to you for that $5. Running the same application on any other provider is going to cost more than $5/month for the amount of resources that are provided to each application. Even a $5 Linode or $5 Droplet from Digital Ocean will not give you 8 vCPUs and 8GB of RAM per month, PER PROJECT.