Calculate the difference between 2 dates

I have 2 columns start_date and end_date. I want to calculate the time difference between them and write them to the database My code : TextInput::make('total_of_days') ->disabled() ->formatStateUsing(fn(\Closure $get) => Carbon::parse($get('start_date'))->diffInDays(Carbon::parse($get('end_date')))) ->dehydrated(true) ->required(), But not working.
12 Replies
Iliyas M
Iliyas M2y ago
Can u confirm ur model has 'total_of_days' in $fillable?
S.V Gubadov
S.V GubadovOP2y ago
yeah data is added. but its value is written as 0
S.V Gubadov
S.V GubadovOP2y ago
Iliyas M
Iliyas M2y ago
Try this,
->formatStateUsing(fn(\Closure $get) => Carbon::parse($get('start_date'))->diffInDays(Carbon::parse($get('end_date'))))
->dehydrateUsing(fn(\Closure $get) => Carbon::parse($get('start_date'))->diffInDays(Carbon::parse($get('end_date'))))
->formatStateUsing(fn(\Closure $get) => Carbon::parse($get('start_date'))->diffInDays(Carbon::parse($get('end_date'))))
->dehydrateUsing(fn(\Closure $get) => Carbon::parse($get('start_date'))->diffInDays(Carbon::parse($get('end_date'))))
toeknee2y ago
It will be 0 because you haven't made the original fields reactive. You need to provide the whole code when asking for help
S.V Gubadov
S.V GubadovOP2y ago
This code working. Tkanks again))
S.V Gubadov
S.V GubadovOP2y ago
->dehydrateUsing(fn(\Closure $get) => Carbon::parse($get('start_date'))->diffInDays(Carbon::parse($get('end_date')))) i forget add this line
Zbigniew15mo ago
Could someone help me with a similar problem? on filament v3 ->schema([ Forms\Components\Select::make('customer_id') ->relationship('customer', 'full_name') ->required(), Forms\Components\DatePicker::make('rental_date')->label(__('Rental start date')) ->live() ->required(), Forms\Components\DatePicker::make('return_date')->label(__('Rental end date')) ->live() ->required(), Forms\Components\TextInput::make('total_of_days') ->disabled() //->formatStateUsing(fn(\Closure $get) => Carbon::parse($get('rental_date'))->diffInDays(Carbon::parse($get('return_date')))) //->dehydrateUsing(fn(\Closure $get) => Carbon::parse($get('rental_date'))->diffInDays(Carbon::parse($get('return_date')))) ->dehydrated(true) ->required(),
No description
toeknee15mo ago
Please open a new discussion
Sjoerd2415mo ago
I would calculate this also in an observer or something, why would you do this in a form for a user? Maybe just show a value with a placeholder or sth, but calculate the def value somewhere in the backend.
Zbigniew14mo ago
Maybe it will be useful to someone. return $form ->schema([ Forms\Components\Select::make('customer_id') ->relationship('customer', 'full_name') ->required(), Forms\Components\DatePicker::make('rental_date')->label(__('Rental start date')) //->default(now()) ->required() ->live(true) ->afterStateUpdated(function (Get $get, Set $set) { self::updateTotalsDays($get, $set); }), Forms\Components\DatePicker::make('return_date')->label(__('Rental end date')) ->default(fn (Get $get) => $set('rental_date')) ->required() ->live(true) ->afterStateUpdated(function (Get $get, Set $set) { self::updateTotalsDays($get, $set); }), Forms\Components\TextInput::make('total_of_days') ->numeric() ->readOnly() ]); } public static function updateTotalsDays(Get $get, Set $set): void { $days = Carbon::parse($get('rental_date'))->diffInDays(Carbon::parse($get('return_date'))); $set('total_of_days', $days); }

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