Can upgrade Livewire V3
Hey! I've just upgraded to Filament V3, but seems that Livewire stayed to V2, and if I try to upgrade it...

11 Replies

maybe is because composer is downloading alpha version instead beta of filament?
Are you trying to upgrade filament v2 to v3 or in a new laravel project you just add filament v3?
v2 to v3
I had to add these manually in the composer.json

and then composer update
Did you follow this
no idea.. v3 is still in beta so maybe..
You need to set minimum stability to beta
You look to have alpha's installed. I would update your composer.json and trash your lock
You should use
as stated in the release notes:
Release v3.0.0-beta1 · filamentphp/filament
If you're interested in testing v3 beta, thank you so much for taking part! You will be helping us by ensuring that v3 is stable enough for public use and release on the 1st of August.
You can ...