crousibat/filament-jobs-monitor not going into correct navigation group
I installed the crousibat/filament-jobs-monitor and followed the steps listed on the github
But after trying to change the navigationgroup via the group_label in the configfile it keep putting in in a group called "system" eventhough im trying to put it in "Admin", i have also changed the icon which works perfectly fine. Any suggestions?

6 Replies
try to ask on #jobs-monitor
i did π
i wish π
Because the code is wrong
protected static function getNavigationGroup(): ?string
return config('filament-jobs-monitor.navigation.group_label') ? __('filament-jobs-monitor::translations.navigation_group') : null;
if it has a value it reutnrs the translation label opposed to the actual value
So you would need to overwrite the transaltion opposed to the config.
or do a PR π
did a pull request thanks for showing me the problem!
Its my first PR so lets see if its get accepted π