Custom Action modal call back function NULL
In my custom view i have made custom action so that i can update withdrawal_date, i have tried the above code but PigmyCustomer $record is not receiving the current customer data and return NULL
9 Replies
Is the
Pigmy Customer ID
being set properly when the view initially loads?
Have you tried dd($record)
Argument #2 ($record) must be of type App\Models\PigmyCustomer, null given
I am getting the above error
If you are using a custom view, are you also using a custom page?
In that case, you would have to set the
yourself. Probably in mount()
Yes i made custom page

here 'view-pigmy-customer-details' is the custom page
From the docs, it looks like you only pass the
to ->mountUsing()
and then call $this->record
to access the recordit is working now
Actions - Table Builder - Filament
The elegant TALL stack table builder for Laravel artisans.
i looked it from this doc
where User model is used
Thanks alot