Is there any tip for unit testing with drizzle?

I'm trying to write unit test code with drizzle, but I have no idea how to write create statement with rollback. - Using transaction for rollback could be a way, but I think it's too complicated for testing. - Drizzle instance is too complicated to mock. - I also have thought about creating repository class, but I don't think repository can handle complicated query (like query with join). Can I get any advice?
16 Replies
xamarot2y ago
Can you get a second database instance for testing with?
mr_pablo2y ago
Test using a local version of your database. Going to be plenty of options out there.
ThemionOP2y ago
I can, but I don't think that would help. I am running unit tests with my local DB, which is causing some values that should be unique (like user email) to be duplicated. I don't think either dropping tables or creating random value is an ideal solution too.
xamarot2y ago
Do you keep data from other tests when running your unit tests? Why would it get duplicated?
ThemionOP2y ago
The problem happened when running test multiple times. I was using sample email for testing, and running same test(inserting same value) made error.
xamarot2y ago
I think you should always clear data between testing. Each test should have a "clean slate".
Cayter2y ago
u can use vitest --no-threads and make sure you have a global beforeEach() that runs truncate tables --no-threads ensures u only have 1 unit test running at a time, while it slows down the tests, but it ensures you have a real and clean-slate db to test against in the case it's really slow as your test suites grow, just split up the tests into N machines on your CI
ThemionOP2y ago
I know that is ideal, but clearing DB manually every time I fix some minor error or typo seems to be an overkill. Is there a way to clear DB automatically?
xamarot2y ago
Shouldn't the tests be able to clear the database themselves?
ThemionOP2y ago
I didn't know the could... Is that like running delete query in beforeEach?
xamarot2y ago
Not sure because I don't know how your tests are set up, but I would probably create a drop/seed script to run initially before each test.
ThemionOP2y ago
Maybe I should've tried that first. Thank you for the help!
xamarot2y ago
No problem, good luck
DiamondDragon2y ago
do you have example code to reference for doing this? I am able to create a docker container locally with code but not able to do much more afterwards, running into issues
Rhys2y ago
Don’t clear the database after each test run and disable threading, I’ve done that before and that’s really slow What I do is use random ids so that there’s no conflicts and have my tests run against an actual database Here’s my project it’s open source so you can see how it all works
AnswerOverflow/packages/db at main · AnswerOverflow/AnswerOverflow
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Rhys2y ago Here’s a code base reference, that’s the GitHub action file which starts up a docker compose file and has the database urls set, you just gotta start the containers, set the environment variables, and run it like normal
AnswerOverflow/.github/workflows/github-actions.yml at main · Answe...
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