Select of relationship gives "call on null"
I'm building pretty simple case for an admin panel where
BelongsTo Menu
, so basically I have created an actions EditIngridient and CreateIngridient which returns form of couple fields. One of them is relation of menu. However on edit page/create page I'm getting an error Call to a member function menu() on null
This is my Ingredient descriptions:
And this is flare errors:
Any ideas how to fix it and why this is happening?
Using filament beta 9.Gist
Ingredients and menu relation
Ingredients and menu relation. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Call to a member function menu() on null - The error occurred at http://localhost/admin/ingredients/create
Call to a member function menu() on null - The error occurred at http://localhost/admin/ingredients/99b34c20-9228-4b41-8b67-80cf2969bc59/edit
Solution:Jump to solution
Made a quick change and this did the trick (calling parent::form($form) on Page form:
5 Replies
Made a quick change and this did the trick (calling parent::form($form) on Page form:
Select::make('menu_uuid')->relationship(name: 'menu', titleAttribute: 'code')
On the original form there are other configurations like
which maps the data to $data
property. That's why your form broke.Okay, makes sense.
makes it work. However this wasn't a problem on v2 right?
This worked the same way in v2
Oh maybe there was some change, because the form/table syntax is new
it must have been change because it was working before the weekend and now after the weekend (during the weekend I did the upgrade) it's like this :/
Anyhow, there is a solution, but it would be nice to have on the docs as well 🙂
Thanks for your input !