Multitenant route prefix

When setting up multitenancy in v3, how would you configure a route prefix. For example in the Service Provider for a panel can you use a wildcard in the path?
6 Replies
JamesAOP2y ago
Does anyone know how to make this work or if this is possible?
Patrick Boivin
What would this look like for a given tenant and resource... can you give an example of a full url?
JamesAOP2y ago
So something like{orgid}/panel1 where I can have a Middleware to grab the orgid to set the tenant for panel1. So basically organization/*/panel1 would be the url for panel1
Patrick Boivin
I'm not sure there's an easy solution for this at the moment... it seems like you would need to override how the tenant routes are registered internally
JamesAOP2y ago
I didn't realize but it seems filament already adds the tenant ID to the route after the panel. I was planing on using multiple panels for organizing resources but I could just create a single panel with no path so then the url will be{orgid} which is closer to what I want but I still want to do /organization/{ordid} would that be possible at least?
Patrick Boivin
Can you use organization instead of an empty path for this new panel?

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