N8N Template Failing to Build
I am trying to deploy a new .n8n template, but it is failing to build.
I keep getting the same message: Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '.n8n'
This is on a fresh project using this template.
18 Replies
Project ID:
using this template right?
Yes. I am using whatever one is suggested in the ui when creating a new service
@jtmaveryk - small problem
Checking, my apologies.
Leaving work now but was able to discover that attempting to create the directory in the docker file results in continuous deployment status with no start or deploy logs after image publish. I’ll try and look into it more when I get home, but just incase, it has nothing to do with any recent changes or issues related to the service?
Surprising to me because it had worked before and I’m not sure if something is just messed up or changed infrastructure-wise.
I am trying this on a brand new deploy project from template using the web UI.
Also of note, I have a much older N8N project on a different project on my account, and I tried to update a variable on that earlier today (haven't touched it in 6 months), and after I updated the variable, it would not start again, hence why I am creating a new one for the functionality I'm looking to build. I ended up rolling it back and I probably won't touch it again since it is a critical part of our application.
I have the same issue, deploy logs shows '› Error: command n8n not found'
Looking more into it very soon.
Sounds good. My company uses N8N for quite a few things so I would like to be able to spin up a new N8N instance.
Jack, different concern, but a major one… when I redeployed N8N after a failed update yesterday, every credential stored in it lost the encryption data and my services went offline until I was able to replace every credential and change it in every node.
Very inconvenient and frustrating. I am using the version from 7 months ago, and I don’t know if this is fixed in the newer templates or not. If it’s not fixed, that needs some attention as non-technical users are the primary audience of N8N and similar tools, so never being able to update it seems problematic.
This should definitely be fixed in the new template when I get this quick problem resolved, it’ll store them in the volume and we can even set a custom encryption key if necessary, however I’ll make sure to test it prior to publishing.
Hey Jack, is there an update on this issue? Has it been resolved with a new template yet?
Much apologies, getting on this after lunch.
Is this n8n deployment a community creation or an actual service offered by railway?
community creation by our friend jack, he has said he will fix it so please be patient
Thanks Jack! Joined the discord because we redeployed this morning and our n8n broke. Nice to see it's being handled!
Hey, I deeply apologize for the wait and thank you for your patience. I’ve resolved that issue and it should be deployable now, just have a volume thing to look at in the morning if you don’t mind waiting another few hours in the morning for a quick check if I have time, otherwise feel free to deploy with possible encryption key loss.
Should be all set now if you wanna delete your project and try to deploy the template (or make modifications to existing project)! 🙂
Thank you Jack. I will take a look at this today.