What would be the cost?

Just a silly question. I have a Vite react app and I was wondering how costy it would be to have it in railway? Like, running the app using
vite preview
vite preview
. I know there is a way to deploy static websites using the nginx template, anyone know also what the cost of this kind of deployment is? Thank you graybobacat
2 Replies
Percy12mo ago
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Brody12mo ago
I've seen development servers consistently use up to 600mb in ram so that would be about 6$ per month, not to mention the poor performance you get from running a development server in a production environment. if you want a super easy solution that doesn't involve nginx but runs your app in a far more efficient way check out this guide. it's mainly for create react app, but it applies to almost all client side rendered single page apps https://help.railway.app/project-help/f9v3gkPQRy4UShk5SnoPDH/getting-your-create-react-app-running-on-railway/qHRsgxa5n57xLp1yVgk9fP