The new wheel outfit has been announced in KR server

Here is the preview video from 2021, for easier reference on "Whether or not to spin wheel for it", it showcases the animations. NOTE: this wheel outfit does not have any color variants, so this is exactly what it is on the tin and isnt available in other colors.
《哈利波特:魔法覺醒》 ✦全新時裝「南法之藍」&「北方來客」絢麗登場✦ 絲質的淺藍斗篷如羽翼般輕盈優雅,揮舞魔杖便喚出夢幻的閃蝶。氣度不凡的皮質大衣暖和厚實,將權杖撞擊地面迸發出象徵力量的火焰。 全新時裝「南法之藍」與「北方來客」已拜訪霍格華茲,同學們可通過神秘商店-幸運輪盤獲取。更多精美時裝將在未來陸續上架,敬請期待! ❄雙平台下載: ❄Discord官方討論群: ❄Facebook官方討論群:
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22 Replies
But do we get the walking stick?!
yes kind of, but not really. the stick is only shown during specific animations (dueling's entrance & victory), but not in everyday walking/interacting animations, etc
…I’ll take it. I assume that there will also be color variants like the last outfit?
(points at "Note" in the first post) i wonder how did you miss the bold, underlined, italicised text 🙂
Today is not my day for attentiveness
🌸 DD.Diana 🌸
I wanna 🫣😍😍😍😍😍
Depending on what owl and wand is available, this will be the last wheel I spin!
butterfly effect was nerfed, sad
Wait, you already got it? How?
not me, go ask narie (@. nagini when)
Very well. @Narie might I ask how you got the outfit when the wheel isn’t out yet?
Narie2y ago
its in global already. beside i didnt get it, you can view it and the effect
Leto2y ago
The worst female outfit…no alterations, the hair is not dyeable, nerfed butterfly effect. Premium? For real?
Event Horizon
Event Horizon2y ago
Premium, more like Lameium. :baller:
global? is that different from NA? sorry if its an obvious question but i am new to all this. 😛
Narie2y ago
NA is a part of global. Basically global means the servers that are not TW / CN
Okay but I’m not getting it for some reason. Should I uninstall and reinstall?
🌸 DD.Diana 🌸
For now 20 spins and still nothing 😱 I wannaaaaaa this
Took me over sixty spins to unlock it all, and I will be standing by my statement of this being my last spin wheel unless they have Blakiston’s Fish Owl as an owl companion. The drip is on point but it can/did bug out a bit and looked like griffindor robes when you swap hats or hairstyles. At least for me it did.
Narie2y ago
do you like the outfit?
I do like it, and when you walk the cane shows up. A bit random but still a cool aesthetic, plus you get a unique victory animation when you win a duel while wearing it

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