I neeeed heeeelp

Can anyone tell me how can i do this one
6 Replies
Jochem2y ago
You'll have to be a lot more specific than that. Have you tried anything so far? Can you share that in some way? What are you struggling with, which part of the design? I'm heading off soon, but answer those and someone else might be able to help you more easily
VorteXOP2y ago
I don't know how to do them should I uee flexbox? Or grid
vince2y ago
I'd use grid if you want them all to be the same height and width
VorteXOP2y ago
And at the same time how can i make them in boxs like that? I'll try
vince2y ago
You need to start from the basics if you don't know how to put them in boxes then; I'd recommend Kevin's intro to CSS courses. I've never bought them but I heard they're good
VorteXOP2y ago
okay tysm

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