Error when testing trigger: Subscriber does not have an active integration
Hello when I test my trigger it return this error (only in push):
Subscriber does not have an active integration
what does it means ? The service worker is setup and device token too46 Replies
do you setup firebase provider in integrations section of novu admin panel ?
@evgeniitolchennikov, you just advanced to level 2!
that ?
looks right
I am resetting the json file maybe the pasting dont work good
also you need to associate your device token from firebase with your subscriber id
Update subscriber credentials - Novu API Reference
Subscriber credentials associated to the delivery methods such as slack and push tokens.
nothing same error
@mime4x, you just advanced to level 2!
i did:
check through the api, that your subscriber have a token
intialize app get token with vapid key and sending that key to the server
then novu subs set credentials (subscriberID, PushProviderIdEnum.FCM and devicesTokens set to the token that the client sended
one second
i did a novu.subscribers.get(subcriberID) and it returns {..., channels: [ { credentials: ..., _integrationId: ..., providerId: 'fcm' } ], ... }
i look at source code, i think you have a problem with your integration
this error occurs when
method failsGitHub
The open-source notification infrastructure with fully functional embedded notification center - novuhq/novu
and how can i repair this ?
need time to debug, now i have no idea, i setup fcm too, but in my case i don't have same errors
you saw this ? maybe you work with different environments?
no the only thing i touched for now is the development envirnment
just a thing: for the vapid key its the web push certificate but its the key pair or private key
you need only public, located in a table
okay this is good
its not this
is there a thing with this ?
i don't try, the onesignal it's not opensource and the last one is expo (for react native apps)
yeah but it shows disabled and not connect like other
in my panel this integrations also available, i don't know why is disabled
now you test locally or in a cloud ?
in my case i have novu self-hosted
maybe i can try self host
can i self host on windows ?
(i have wsl if needed)
oh, wait a second, you can click to this blocks
@evgeniitolchennikov, you just advanced to level 3!
i look at my cloud account and see for example OneSignal is disabled, but i can click to card
oooh its when i tested the integration (i can't remove the app id and api key)
@mime4x, you just advanced to level 3!
yes i can't too )
try to delete unusable integrations through api
Delete integration - Novu API Reference
Novu is an open-source notification infrastructure built for the engineering teams to help them build rich product notification experiences without constantly re-inventing the wheel.
i'll do it with curl
sorry, now no idea(
done !
same error?
yes 😢
check also that you have active fcm provider in your workflow
i think its active
ok, in this part it's ok
this is my workflow