C#12mo ago

✅ Dataannotations

Hi, is there a way in C# to Build a custom Dataannotation for SQL Columns? With the [Default()] Annotation it is not possible to set the Sql Column to a NEWID() oder GETDATE() Default Value.
11 Replies
Angius12mo ago
EF Core?
Táuròs12mo ago
Angius12mo ago
With fluent config, you'd use .HasDefaultValueSql() So maybe there's some [DefaultSql] or [DefaultFromSql] attribute
Táuròs12mo ago
i did this in the OnModelCreating Method modelBuilder.Entity<DomainModel>().Property(p => p.Id).HasDefaultValueSql("NEWID()"); but if there is a way to build a Custom Dataannotation for this it would be awesome, so i can use [SQLDefault(NEWID())] in the model
Angius12mo ago
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I never use attributes for configuring my models Only fluent config
Táuròs12mo ago
there is no [DefaultSql] or [DefaultFromSql] attribute thanks
Jimmacle12mo ago
data annotations are generally more limited than the fluent API, i'm sure you could extend EF Core to do what you want but it would be more complicated i also only use the fluent API for this reason
Táuròs12mo ago
Thanks all, I have now a solution to use Dataannotations for SQL Default Values i will share it here for you.
Táuròs12mo ago
A New File called DefaultVauleSql I placed it in a Folder Called Dataannotations [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property)] public class DefaultValueSqlAttribute : Attribute { public string DefaultValueSql { get; private set; } = ""; public DefaultValueSqlAttribute(string defaultValueSql) { DefaultValueSql = defaultValueSql; } } In the DataContext Class on the Method OnModelCreation i call OnModelCreatingAddDefaultSqlValues(modelBuilder);
Táuròs12mo ago
And this is the Function in the DataContext Class private void OnModelCreatingAddDefaultSqlValues(ModelBuilder modelBuilder) { var assemblyName = "SelfService.Portal.Core.API"; var nameSpace = "SelfService.Portal.Core.API.Models"; var asm = Assembly.Load(assemblyName); List<Type> types = asm.GetTypes().Where(p => p.Namespace == nameSpace).ToList(); var dbSets = typeof(DataContext).GetProperties().Where(p => p.PropertyType.Name.ToLower().Contains("dbset")).ToList(); List<Type> dbSetTypes = new List<Type>(); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in dbSets) { dbSetTypes.Add(pi.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0]); } foreach (Type t in types) { if (typeof(BaseModel).IsAssignableFrom(t) && t.Name != nameof(BaseModel) && dbSetTypes.Contains(t)) { var properties = t.GetProperties().ToList(); foreach (var p in properties) { var att = p.GetCustomAttribute<DefaultValueSqlAttribute>(); if (att != null) { modelBuilder.Entity(t).Property(p.Name).HasDefaultValueSql(att.DefaultValueSql); } } } } }
Accord12mo ago
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