array to string convertion
can u help me to solve my problem of aray to string convertion

5 Replies
Nobody will help you if you are impatient, demanding and didn't read the #✅┊rules .
It's no fun to click through a bunch of screenshot without an explanation at all.
sorry for my mistake, i have an eror in this case, i wan to create a playstation form and i have many to many relationship with jenisgame, i have a pivot table on my database its called playstation_jenisgame.
if i want to create my playstation in playstation form a eror massage (Array to String Convertion)
i have a casts in my playstation models protected
$casts = ['jenisgame_id' => 'array'];
and the eror massage still appearsPlease read #✅┊rules and share the error as stated there
protected $casts = ['jenisgame_id' => 'array'];
oke, i already remove it, and
the error still appear