Updating jsonb objects with Drizzle?

Hey there, i'm currently working on migrating my database and code from MongoDB with Mongoose to Postgres with Drizzle and have encountered a question that I couldnt find answered on the docs. I query JSON like this in my MongoDB database
Profiles.findOneAndUpdate({ accountId: user.accountId }, { $set: { "profiles.athena.items": allItems.items } }, { new: true }, (err, doc) => {
if (err) console.log(err);

Profiles.findOneAndUpdate({ accountId: user.accountId }, { $set: { "profiles.athena.items": allItems.items } }, { new: true }, (err, doc) => {
if (err) console.log(err);

Which updates the profiles.athena.items object in my database, now instead of having one big profiles blob, I created seperate columns for each profile in my drizzle schema and database. These are:
export const profiles = pgTable(
id: serial("id").primaryKey(),
created: timestamp("created"),
accountId: varchar("accountId", { length: 256 }),
athena: jsonb("athena"),
campaign: jsonb("campaign"),
collectionBookPeople: jsonb("collection_book_people"),
collectionBookSchematics: jsonb("collection_book_schematics"),
collections: jsonb("collections"),
commonCore: jsonb("common_core"),
commonPublic: jsonb("common_public"),
creative: jsonb("creative"),
metadata: jsonb("metadata"),
outpost: jsonb("outpost"),
profilezero: jsonb("profilezero"),
theater: jsonb("theater"),
(table) => {
return {
accountIdIdx: index("account_id_idx").on(table.accountId),
export const profiles = pgTable(
id: serial("id").primaryKey(),
created: timestamp("created"),
accountId: varchar("accountId", { length: 256 }),
athena: jsonb("athena"),
campaign: jsonb("campaign"),
collectionBookPeople: jsonb("collection_book_people"),
collectionBookSchematics: jsonb("collection_book_schematics"),
collections: jsonb("collections"),
commonCore: jsonb("common_core"),
commonPublic: jsonb("common_public"),
creative: jsonb("creative"),
metadata: jsonb("metadata"),
outpost: jsonb("outpost"),
profilezero: jsonb("profilezero"),
theater: jsonb("theater"),
(table) => {
return {
accountIdIdx: index("account_id_idx").on(table.accountId),
As I'm very new to drizzle and SQL in general, I'm not really sure how to approach querying this now. With MongoDB it was just a single findOneAndUpdate query, but in Drizzle i'm not sure how I can update just a single object inside my JSONB data. Could anyone give me an idea for how this could be done?
1 Reply
ZetaxOP2y ago
Addition: I realise I can just get the "profile" and then replace values of it with nodejs and then update it again, but that seems very ineffecient

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