Billing errors

Project ID: N/A (and my account has been linked to this Discord account) My Developer plan was supposed to expire today, but I checked just then for any invoice billings to my email account but couldn't seem to see any invoice. I checked the billing dashboard but I noticed I didn't even get billed on for the $5.39 of usage (which I don't have a screenshot of, but I know I definitely used over $5) over the month (Jun 17-Jul 17) and it had charged me "$0.00", with the usage having reset to $0 as wll. I tried cancelling this month's subscription and re-applying for it but it doesn't seem like it really did anything; but I noticed on the Stripe Dashboard that it had $0.39 bonus to "next estimated payment". Did I mess something up and will this "bonus surcharge" count towards the "non-zero bill within last 3 months" for fee wavies with the Hobby plan (I'm certain I was supposed to be billed after all)?
3 Replies
Percy12mo ago
Project ID: N/A
yeswedont12mo ago
Adam12mo ago
If you are having billing issues or have questions about the plan migration, contact the team at