Issue with "railway up" command for Symfony API Project Deployment
I am facing difficulties while using the "railway up" command to deploy a Symfony-based API project on Railway. Can you please provide assistance in resolving this problem?
I have followed the necessary steps to deploy my Symfony API using the Railway Platform. However, when i run the "railway up" command, i encounter this error:
"Failed to stream deploy logs: TLS error: webki error: MissingOrMalformedExtensions"
Thank you for your support!
10 Replies
Project ID:
os? cli version? please provide as much info as you can
OS: MacOs Monterey 12.4
Cli version: railwayapp 3.4.0
would you mind opening a github issue for this issue?
Sure no problem
Issue with "railway up" command for Symfony API Project Deployment ...
Hi there! I am facing difficulties while using the "railway up" command to deploy a Symfony-based API project on Railway. I have followed the necessary steps to deploy my Symfony API usin...
although the error you see has nothing to do with symfony, thank you
But this command is working with a Laravel app, is quite strange dont you think?
it would not have anything to do with the project itself