First deploy ever: What's wrong ?

Hi this is my first web app and my first deploy ever. I have this project that a is a fullstack monorepo using pnpm workspace : And when I try to deploy it, I get this build error :
#6 [stage-0 2/10] WORKDIR /app/
#7 [stage-0 3/10] COPY .nixpacks/nixpkgs-293a28df6d7ff3dec1e61e37cc4ee6e6c0fb0847.nix .nixpacks/nixpkgs-293a28df6d7ff3dec1e61e37cc4ee6e6c0fb0847.nix
#8 [stage-0 4/10] RUN nix-env -if .nixpacks/nixpkgs-293a28df6d7ff3dec1e61e37cc4ee6e6c0fb0847.nix && nix-collect-garbage -d
#9 [stage-0 5/10] COPY . /app/.
#9 DONE 0.1s
#10 [stage-0 6/10] RUN --mount=type=cache,id=s/29ed9c52-7fd2-4c58-ac78-f4fb064e30f7-/root/npm,target=/root/.npm npm i
#10 1.110 npm WARN config production Use `--omit=dev` instead.
#10 2.674
#10 2.674 > transcendance@1.0.0 preinstall
#10 2.674 > npx only-allow pnpm && cp -n .env.example .env
#10 2.674
#10 3.077 npm
WARN config production Use `--omit=dev` instead.
#10 3.657 npm
WARN exec The following package was not found and will be installed: only-allow@1.1.1
#10 4.527 ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
#10 4.527 ║ ║
#10 4.527 ║ Use "pnpm install" for installation in this project. ║
#10 4.527 ║ ║
#10 4.527 ║ If you don't have pnpm, install it via "npm i -g pnpm". ║
#10 4.527 ║ For more details, go to ║

#10 4.552 npm ERR! code 1
#10 4.552 npm ERR! path /app
#10 4.554 npm ERR! command failed
#10 4.554 npm ERR! command sh -c -- npx only-allow pnpm && cp -n .env.example .env
#10 4.555
#10 4.556 npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
#10 4.556 npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2023-07-15T12_09_02_508Z-debug-0.log
#10 ERROR: process "/bin/bash -ol pipefail -c npm i" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1
#6 [stage-0 2/10] WORKDIR /app/
#7 [stage-0 3/10] COPY .nixpacks/nixpkgs-293a28df6d7ff3dec1e61e37cc4ee6e6c0fb0847.nix .nixpacks/nixpkgs-293a28df6d7ff3dec1e61e37cc4ee6e6c0fb0847.nix
#8 [stage-0 4/10] RUN nix-env -if .nixpacks/nixpkgs-293a28df6d7ff3dec1e61e37cc4ee6e6c0fb0847.nix && nix-collect-garbage -d
#9 [stage-0 5/10] COPY . /app/.
#9 DONE 0.1s
#10 [stage-0 6/10] RUN --mount=type=cache,id=s/29ed9c52-7fd2-4c58-ac78-f4fb064e30f7-/root/npm,target=/root/.npm npm i
#10 1.110 npm WARN config production Use `--omit=dev` instead.
#10 2.674
#10 2.674 > transcendance@1.0.0 preinstall
#10 2.674 > npx only-allow pnpm && cp -n .env.example .env
#10 2.674
#10 3.077 npm
WARN config production Use `--omit=dev` instead.
#10 3.657 npm
WARN exec The following package was not found and will be installed: only-allow@1.1.1
#10 4.527 ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
#10 4.527 ║ ║
#10 4.527 ║ Use "pnpm install" for installation in this project. ║
#10 4.527 ║ ║
#10 4.527 ║ If you don't have pnpm, install it via "npm i -g pnpm". ║
#10 4.527 ║ For more details, go to ║

#10 4.552 npm ERR! code 1
#10 4.552 npm ERR! path /app
#10 4.554 npm ERR! command failed
#10 4.554 npm ERR! command sh -c -- npx only-allow pnpm && cp -n .env.example .env
#10 4.555
#10 4.556 npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
#10 4.556 npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2023-07-15T12_09_02_508Z-debug-0.log
#10 ERROR: process "/bin/bash -ol pipefail -c npm i" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1
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26 Replies
Percy12mo ago
Project ID: 29ed9c52-7fd2-4c58-ac78-f4fb064e30f7
Brody12mo ago
we would need full build logs in order to see what's gone wrong
root12mo ago
At first glance, though, that's a weird-looking error
Brody12mo ago
agree, definitely need to see full logs
cassepipe12mo ago
But, this the whole log
Brody12mo ago
are you sure?
cassepipe12mo ago
I don't get any further But I have done some reading in the meantime, it does not look good I want to deploy a pnpm monorepo that hosts a nestjs app
Brody12mo ago
deploy again and then give us the full logs
cassepipe12mo ago
I have since modified my project a bit But his all the logs I get :
cassepipe12mo ago
cassepipe12mo ago
cassepipe12mo ago
There is a huge overlap betweeen the screenshots Because there is so little log I am sorry I know little about deployment But you can clone my project, it's just a matter of pnpm i && pmpm build && pnpm start Would that cause any problems on Railway ?
Brody12mo ago
I don't know what's causing problems, I haven't seen your full build logs yet, please copy and paste everything into a txt file
cassepipe12mo ago
How ?
Brody12mo ago
copy and paste
cassepipe12mo ago
Why do you keep insisting on the fact that haven't given you the full log ?
Brody12mo ago
cassepipe12mo ago

Using Nixpacks
context: 7d40e5eab52bcc87ed6c298b344f0a62
╔══════════════ Nixpacks v1.10.1 ═════════════╗
║ setup │ nodejs-16_x, pnpm-7_x, openssl ║
║ install │ pnpm i --frozen-lockfile ║
║ build │ pnpm run build ║
║ start │ pnpm run start ║
#1 [internal] load .dockerignore
#1 transferring context: 2B done
#1 DONE 0.2s
#2 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
#2 transferring dockerfile: 2.23kB done
#2 DONE 0.3s
#3 [internal] load metadata for
#3 DONE 0.1s
#4 [stage-0 1/10] FROM
#4 DONE 0.0s
#5 [internal] load build context
#5 transferring context: 722.01kB 0.0s done
#5 DONE 0.2s
#6 [stage-0 2/10] WORKDIR /app/
#7 [stage-0 3/10] COPY .nixpacks/nixpkgs-293a28df6d7ff3dec1e61e37cc4ee6e6c0fb0847.nix .nixpacks/nixpkgs-293a28df6d7ff3dec1e61e37cc4ee6e6c0fb0847.nix
#8 [stage-0 4/10] RUN nix-env -if .nixpacks/nixpkgs-293a28df6d7ff3dec1e61e37cc4ee6e6c0fb0847.nix && nix-collect-garbage -d
#9 [stage-0 5/10] COPY . /app/.
#9 DONE 0.4s
#10 [stage-0 6/10] RUN --mount=type=cache,id=s/29ed9c52-7fd2-4c58-ac78-f4fb064e30f7-/root/local/share/pnpm/store/v3,target=/root/.local/share/pnpm/store/v3 pnpm i --frozen-lockfile
#10 1.293 Scope: all 5 workspace projects
Showing 59 logs (from 1 replica)

Using Nixpacks
context: 7d40e5eab52bcc87ed6c298b344f0a62
╔══════════════ Nixpacks v1.10.1 ═════════════╗
║ setup │ nodejs-16_x, pnpm-7_x, openssl ║
║ install │ pnpm i --frozen-lockfile ║
║ build │ pnpm run build ║
║ start │ pnpm run start ║
#1 [internal] load .dockerignore
#1 transferring context: 2B done
#1 DONE 0.2s
#2 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
#2 transferring dockerfile: 2.23kB done
#2 DONE 0.3s
#3 [internal] load metadata for
#3 DONE 0.1s
#4 [stage-0 1/10] FROM
#4 DONE 0.0s
#5 [internal] load build context
#5 transferring context: 722.01kB 0.0s done
#5 DONE 0.2s
#6 [stage-0 2/10] WORKDIR /app/
#7 [stage-0 3/10] COPY .nixpacks/nixpkgs-293a28df6d7ff3dec1e61e37cc4ee6e6c0fb0847.nix .nixpacks/nixpkgs-293a28df6d7ff3dec1e61e37cc4ee6e6c0fb0847.nix
#8 [stage-0 4/10] RUN nix-env -if .nixpacks/nixpkgs-293a28df6d7ff3dec1e61e37cc4ee6e6c0fb0847.nix && nix-collect-garbage -d
#9 [stage-0 5/10] COPY . /app/.
#9 DONE 0.4s
#10 [stage-0 6/10] RUN --mount=type=cache,id=s/29ed9c52-7fd2-4c58-ac78-f4fb064e30f7-/root/local/share/pnpm/store/v3,target=/root/.local/share/pnpm/store/v3 pnpm i --frozen-lockfile
#10 1.293 Scope: all 5 workspace projects
Showing 59 logs (from 1 replica)
I just removed empty lines so it fit
Brody12mo ago
I don't see any errors? that also still doesn't look like the full build logs please copy paste everything into a txt file and send that txt file
cassepipe12mo ago
Daaaaaamn This is the FULL text please believe me or tell me something like : "To get the full text, you must...." So either Railway does not give the full log Or that's it But I am copy pasting from the beginning to the end
Brody12mo ago
but your logs are cut off?
cassepipe12mo ago
Well maybe it would be great if I had a way do download for a start (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ I give up. Thanks for giving it a try 🙏
Brody12mo ago
I agree with you there, railway does need just a simple button to export the logs
cassepipe12mo ago
Or like a github "raw" page with only text. Then you can jsut copy paste it all or just hit Ctrl +S
Brody12mo ago
I agree
root12mo ago
Yeah, it looks like Railway cut off the logs for some reason. It's possible that there was some caching going on or something - try reloading?