C#12mo ago

❔ .NET 4x not installing

I tried to install multiple different versions of .net 4x but none of them actually installed, while the installer tells me that the installation was completed succesfully when i check the sdks in the cmd only .net 6 shows up, any advice?
18 Replies
Angius12mo ago
Simple .NET Framework 4.X didn't have the CLI stuff
bananablu12mo ago
so it has a different install directory?
Angius12mo ago
No, it has no CLI It won't show up with dotnet --list-sdks or anything of the sort It will not work with dotnet new Or dotnet build Or anything
bananablu12mo ago
yeah but i also looked into the directory and it was not there
Angius12mo ago
Idk, maybe it installs as a part of the OS or something Old Framework was weird Why do you have to use an ancient version, by the by?
bananablu12mo ago
might use everything to search .net 4 related files and find it because afaik unity requires it and i'm trying to fix intellisense not connecting to unity
Angius12mo ago
Ah oof ouch I'm afraid I won't be of much help, then. I neither know Unity nor the antique versions of .NET
bananablu12mo ago
just found the directory, apparently it did install it's in a completely different place np, i found some guides, the only problem was the lack of 4.7.2 which should have been solved if it still doesn't work i will try asking in the unity discord
TheRanger12mo ago
MODiX12mo ago
Quickstart: Install & configure Visual Studio Tools for Unity
Quickstart: Learn how to connect Unity and Visual Studio for cross-platform development. Visual Studio Tools for Unity offers support for writing and debugging.
bananablu12mo ago
thanks but i'm using vscode
TheRanger12mo ago
its there too
Angius12mo ago
Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't VS Code support for Unity been discontinued...? I vaguely recall that it was nothing more than a result of some hackaton and not an actual serious plugin
RubyNovaDev12mo ago
it does not require it vscode support for unity was deprecated you have to use vs2022 or rider unity ships with a custom MonoCLR setup its a whole thing so yes, this is correct
bananablu12mo ago
i tried to install vs but i really don't like the ui and it takes a lot of storage space but ig i'll have to switch to use intellisense
Angius12mo ago
You can always buy Rider Or see if you qualify for $freerider
MODiX12mo ago
There are two ways to get Rider for free: Being a student: https://www.jetbrains.com/community/education/#students Using it for an OSS project: https://www.jetbrains.com/community/opensource/#support
Accord12mo ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
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