C#12mo ago

How do I write text, then a int, then more text in the same line?

Trying to have it print "You have sum years left till pension." Console.WriteLine("What's your name?"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Hello {name}, how old are you?"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); int num1 = int.Parse(input ); int num2 = 65; int sum = num2 - num1; Console.WriteLine("You have " + sum " years left till pension");
6 Replies
Moods12mo ago
Interpolation works, it’d look like this
Console.WriteLine($”You have {sum} years left till pension”);
Console.WriteLine($”You have {sum} years left till pension”);
♫Woozy♫12mo ago
Just found out you can also do it like this Console.WriteLine("You have " + sum + " years left till pension"); is there a difference?
Angius12mo ago
Interpolation being less writing and less ambiguous
Pobiega12mo ago
Always prefer interpolation. And retiring at 65 in todays economy? kekw
Moods12mo ago
Angius12mo ago
Not in Fr*nce, that's for sure when